The definition of a Hotwife
Have you heard about hotwife? Where does this come from? This article talks through about what a hotwife is. A hotwife is basically a married woman who is permitted or allowed by her husband to have sexual relationships with other people. This kind of relationship is for the fulfillment of each other’s sexual desires.
The term hotwife first appeared when the internet also existed in the mid-’90s and even become more popular in 1997 when advertisements showing hot wives made personally by their husbands got into mainstream.
In this kind of lifestyle, the husband shows off her hotwife as a shared or open possession. It is when the husband has consented to his wife’s other sexual arrangements. This concept is called hotwifing or wife-sharing. The hotwife lifestyle has its own community where the husbands show a willingness to share their wives and have sexual relationships outside their marriage.
On a practical approach, the hotwife and other men must have social involvement with each other. It is like a typical dating process. Afterward, the husband and the hotwife will now offer hotwifing. But in this modern era, there are different ways or means to get involved with this kind of lifestyle.

In short terms - This is a Hotwife:
A hotwife, according to the dictionary is: “A married woman who is allowed and/or encouraged by her husband to pursue sexual relationships with other individuals. Often, these relationships are in pursuit of fulfilling the husband’s/couple’s fantasies.”
However, there are no right and wrongs when it comes to a hotwife, and what might fit as a hotwife-description for some people won’t fit in others terminology. Summarized, a hotwife is a married woman who has sex with other men, with her husband’s accept. If she only has sex with other men, without her husband knowing, she is not a hotwife but simply just cheating. In a cuckold/hotwife relationship, usually, only the woman has sex with others than her regular partner.
There are many different varieties of a hotwife, depending on the couple’s common interests, agreements and sexual desires. In some relationships, the hotwife has sex alone with other men, and in other cases, she has sex with other men while the husband is watching or even participating. The sexual encounters can be completed both with or without her husband’s whereabouts depending on the rules and standard of the married couple’s relationship.
There are many benefits of being a hotwife in a married couple. Not only do you fulfill your husband, and your own, fantasies you also get to play with different partners on the side even though you have a normal steady relationship in your everyday life. As a hotwife in a cuckold/hotwife relationship, you get the benefit of seeing your husband more turned on than ever, whether you come home, used and empowered with the feeling of another man, or you are having a session with your bull together with your regular partner.
Not only does a hotwife get the benefits of having sex with multiple partners, even though she is in a normal relationship, but she also gets the possibility of flirting, getting attention and excitement in a otherwise normal life. Being a hotwife is not for all – you have to have lust, fantasies and a sexual desire of being with other men and pleasing your regular partner while doing so. However, being a hotwife can be one of the most exciting things that you will experience in your life.
There are many variations of a hotwife lifestyle depending on you and your partner’s fantasies – some partners like for their hotwife to humiliate them, while others simply enjoy reclaiming them after being used by strangers. As for all definitions within this lifestyle some of the terms can overlap, and at some points, definitions for a hotwife can also be used for defining Slutwifes or Stag & Vixen relationships.
Hotwife Through Online
Given the convenience of the internet today, there are online communities catering to hotwifing. The couple can post any of their experiences, attach pictures to gain likes, share their experiences, or invite another person interested in joining their agreement. These online communities have rules and regulations on how the couples could engage and be part of the community. Even moderators verify the validity and authenticity of the shared experience or post about hotwife and are not copied elsewhere.
Upon entering this kind of lifestyle, the spouse must be open to discussion with other men about his hotwife. It could be their personal arrangement or the basic rules of the wife-sharing community. Of course, most of the time, there is money involved, and the price depends on what the couple agreed upon. Some spouses are private and not comfortable with having their arrangements be documented, while others take it as a social platform and open for publicity. So, it really depends on the couple.
So now, the real question is, how does the husband benefit from this kind of arrangement? Is this really a remedy for dull marriage? Well, the hotwife has sexual freedom as supported and encouraged by her husband, and in return, her husband will benefit from it because he eventually lives up to his fantasy called jealousy fetish. It is when the spouse gets aroused when he witnesses his wife having some sort of infidelity. In other words, he gets turned on when he is jealous. Even if it is just a set-up, this kind of agreement is very satisfying to those people who have this kind of fetish. It can even spice up their own sexual relationship with their wives.
Hotwifing lifestyle is the way they want for them to spice up their relationship as a married couple. They have something to look forward to, the experience and fulfillment of sexual fetishes, which they find more thrilling and exciting. They happen to meet persons with the same sexual fetish as theirs.
Unlike in an open-relationship arrangement, having a hotwife is purely on the wife’s side. Only the hotwife is having other sexual relationships and not the husband. The husband only takes desire out of the idea of jealousy through the infidelity set-up. But today, hotwifing is not just having sex with another man, but there are circumstances that the hotwife engages to a married couple. The three of them participate in the sexual activity as they agreed upon certain conditions.
Consequences of Hotwife Engagement
One of the consequences of entering this kind of lifestyle is that the couple is gambling, and their marriage is at stake. Some worked out their marriage, but most of the time, it can be the cause for the marriage to fall apart.
In other words, wife-sharing is not for all. It is not easy. This is just for the couples who can be civil all the time despite all their sexual arrangements. Because having a hotwife is sometimes tricky for some married couple, especially to those who have trust issues or anger issues, because this kind of arrangement only works for couples who are confident with their spouse and who works well with brushing off hidden grudges. Both of them must be trustworthy and open to the possibilities of emotional involvement to another person.
When the hotwife let her emotions be involved and get attached to her sexual partner, it is not called hotwifing anymore, and it is already addressed as cheating or having a romantic affair. It is the time when the couple must eject themselves from this kind of lifestyle.
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