What is a Stag and Vixen Couple

The definition of a Stag & Vixen couple

When you came across the cuckolding culture, you are probably wondering what stag and vixen couple is? First, the definition of a stag in cuckolding culture is a man who plays as the dominant who lets his female partner have sex with another person in his presence. On the other hand, a vixen is a woman who plays as the submissive who can have sex with another person with her dominant partner’s consent.

In the case of stag and vixen couple, they enjoy watching their partner having sex with another person. They find gratification whenever they see their partner having sex with somebody else and then eventually join them like in a threesome arrangement. The stag finds the situation satisfying when he sees his vixen being desired by other men. In some cases, it happens in a different location, and right after the vixen did it, she will tell every detail of what just happened between her and the other man for her stag to be challenged and prove to his wife that he can out-perform the other man. But this kind of practice is mostly known for the stags. It is unusual to have it the other way around. Meaning, it is infrequent when the vixen enjoys watching her stag having sex with another woman.

Unlike a cuckold couple, the stag and vixen couple does usually not practice humiliation.

Stag and Vixen couple

In short terms - This is a Stag and Vixen couple:

A stag and vixen couple is where both the woman and the man get turned on by involving a third male in having sex with the woman. Unlike a cuckold, the Stag gets turned on by seeing the Vixen getting sexual gratification from other men.

How This Couple Benefit from This Kind of Lifestyle?

Stag and vixen couples benefit from this kind of lifestyle in many ways. They believe that it improves their sex life because it is great for their stamina. There is also a biological explanation about this matter. It is like having competition. After watching his wife having sex with another man, the stag will have the great urge to prove to the wife that his performance is better than the other man. In that way, the husband will have better stamina, strong arousal, and great performance.

Confirmed by stag and vixen couples, that this kind of lifestyle builds more trust in their relationship. Their communication with each other became more open. They discuss everything with their partner without any hesitations and fear. This includes their deepest secrets and hidden desires and fantasies. They get out of their boxes and cross the comfort zone line.

Because they both trust each other, they become more honest and faithful to their partner. These couples also claim that they respect their partners even more after doing it because their partners are open to doing anything just to fulfill their sexual fantasies.

Gender Fluidity

Gender fluid couples also benefit from this practice because they tend to satisfy their hidden desires towards their preferred gender.

For example, the husband has an attraction to another man, so that the couple will use this practice to the husband’s advantage. For him to satisfy his desires. In this case, the husband is the one who chooses who will be their companion in bed.

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Stag and vixen couples claim that this kind of lifestyle also tackles women’s empowerment. It gives power to the wife to feel confident about herself. It boosts her self-esteem by having power over her own body and having sex with multiple partners clearly into her physical attributes and being liberated by her husband.   

With her husband’s support, she will make every effort for her body to look great and irresistible. As a result, she will become more independent and more confident in expressing herself. Of course, her husband will benefit from it because he will take pride in his wife’s body and make other men drool for what he is having.                                              

Real Essence

The first impression of stag and vixen practice satisfies a man’s ego for having a trophy wife. It is known even a long time ago that powerful men must possess a trophy wife that can be the talk of the town—the man’s desire to show off his sexy wife who is desired by other people.

But from a medical perspective, couples who enter this kind of lifestyle are couples trying to save their marriages. For example, the husband is physically incapable of satisfying her wife, so he lets his wife be satisfied by another man for her to be happy. The only thing that motivates him to allow his wife to have sex with another man is his inability to perform to meet his wife’s sexual needs.

Is it For All the Couples?

Stag and vixen couples have strong confidence and trust in their partner. Interested couples must first have a self-assessment about how far they can tolerate this kind of practice. They must also review their partner’s capability and mental toughness.

They must check their capability to be civil, see to it that they are both agree on the terms, and set some boundaries. The couple must be truly devoted to the agreement, and they are both comfortable.

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